Sedation Dentistry and General Anesthesia


At Kids Dental Castle & Orthodontics, it's important that your child feels at ease throughout their treatment. Sometimes, sedation may be the best option for keeping them anxiety-free and safe during their procedure.

When do you suggest sedation for dental procedures?

 Dr. Javan has extensive experience with pediatric dental sedation but will only recommend it if he thinks your child could benefit. Some reasons he may recommend sedation include the following:


  • If your child is at a very young age
  • If your child has a lot of fear or anxiety at the dentist's office
  • If your child has a short attention span and cannot sit through a procedure
  • If we need to complete extensive dental work
  • If special needs dentistry is required due to specific healthcare conditions


Types of sedation dentistry we offer

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a mild sedative for children who are anxious during dental treatment. Nitrous oxide won't put your child to sleep, but it will make them feel more carefree and relaxed so we can treat them comfortably and safely.

At Kids Dental Castle, we like to use nitrous oxide as our sedation option because it is safe, easy to adjust, and quick to reverse. It is also non-allergenic.


Of course, there are a few children for whom nitrous oxide is ineffective. If your child has severe anxiety, discomfort with a nasal mask, or nasal congestion, we may recommend another form of sedation.

IV sedation/General Anesthesia

IV sedation (intravenous sedation), Or General Anesthesia, is the strongest sedation method we use for pediatric patients. It is used when other sedation options are not available, such as with very young patients, children with extreme anxiety, or other special needs.


IV sedation is performed in our office, and your child will be "asleep" throughout their dental procedure. We are partnered with "Elite Sedation" to ensure our patients are in the best hands. There are a few more risks involved with IV sedation, but Our Anesthesiologists have specialized training in this sedation method. They can walk you through the pros and cons to see if it is right for your child.


If we do not move forward with IV sedation, it's possible that your child will need multiple dental visits or will need to be restrained during treatment for their safety, but this can be physically and emotionally traumatic for your child. Dr. Javan can help you better understand your options.

Providing comprehensive preventive and therapeutic dental care to patients who have special healthcare needs is an important aspect of the specialty of pediatric dentistry. We value the unique qualities of each young smile we treat and seek to ensure maximal health for all, regardless of developmental disability or other healthcare issues.


Why visit a dental clinic that specializes in special needs?

Dental care is important for everyone, especially for children with unique behavioral and psychological conditions. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry defines special healthcare needs as “any physical, developmental, mental, sensory, behavioral, cognitive, or emotional impairment or limiting condition that requires medical management, healthcare intervention, and/or use of specialized services or programs.” Whether your child’s condition is congenital, developmental, or the result of disease or trauma, we can provide guidance and raise awareness of his or her special dental care needs.


Dental care for patients with special needs requires specialized knowledge acquired by additional training, increased awareness and attention, adaptation, and accommodative measures beyond routine treatment. Our team at Kids Dental Castle is experienced in providing positive dental experiences for special needs children. It has various options to help your little one feel as comfortable as possible during their visit.


We aim to create a dental home for your child where treatment can be delivered safely and ideal dental health can be achieved.

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